Laravel 制作模型





php artisan make:model [ModelName]



php artisan make:model [ModelName] -m

In addition to creating the model, this creates a database migration that is hooked up to the model. The database migration PHP file is located by default in database/migrations/. This does not--by default--include anything other than the id and created_at/updated_at columns, so you will need to edit the file to provide additional columns.

Note that you will have to run the migration (once you have set up the migration file) in order for the model to start working by using php artisan migrate from project root

In addition, if you wish to add a migration later, after making the model, you can do so by running:

php artisan make:migration [migration name]

Say for example you wanted to create a model for your Cats, you would have two choices, to create with or without a migration. You would chose to create without migration if you already had a cats table or did not want to create one at this time.

For this example we want to create a migration because we don't already have a table so would run the following command.

php artisan make:model Cat -m

This command will create two files:

  1. In the App folder: app/Cat.php

  2. In the database folder: database/migrations/timestamp_creat_cats_table.php

The file we are interested in is the latter as it is this file that we can decide what we want the table to look like and include. For any predefined migration we are given an auto incrementing id column and a timestamps columns.

The below example of an extract of the migration file includes the above predefined columns as well as the addition of a the name of the cat, age and colour:

public function up()
        Schema::create('cats', function (Blueprint $table) {

            $table->increments('id');    //预定义ID
            $table->string('name');      //Name
            $table->integer('age');      //Age
            $table->string('colour');    //Colour
            $table->timestamps();        //预定义时间戳


So as you can see it is relatively easy to create the model and migration for a table. Then to execute the migration and create it in your data base you would run the following command:

php artisan migrate

Which will migrate any outstanding migrations to your database.

Model File Location

Models can be stored anywhere thanks to PSR4.

By default models are created in the app directory with the namespace of App. For more complex applications it's usually recommended to store models within their own folders in a structure that makes sense to your apps architecture.


namespace App\Fruits;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Banana extends Model {
    // Implementation of "Banana" omitted



protected $connection数据库连接名称默认数据库连接
protected $table表名默认情况下,类名将转换为snake_case复数形式。例如,SpecialPerson变为special_people
protected $primaryKey表PKid
public $incrementing指示ID是否自动递增true
public $timestamps指示是否应为模型加盖时间戳true
const CREATED_AT创建时间戳列的名称created_at
const UPDATED_AT修改时间戳列的名称updated_at
protected $dates除时间戳属性外,还应突变为DateTime的属性[]
protected $dateFormat日期属性将被保留的格式当前SQL方言的默认值。
protected $with与模型的热切关系[]
protected $hidden模型序列化中省略的属性[]
protected $visible模型序列化中允许的属性[]
protected $appends属性访问器已添加到模型序列化[]
protected $fillable可大规模分配的属性[]
protected $guarded批量分配中列入黑名单的属性[*] (所有属性)
protected $touches保存时应接触的关系[]
protected $perPage返回分页的模型数量。15
protected $casts应该转换为本机类型的属性[]